Il 6 Aprile 2022, presso il laboratorio i-Labs Industry con sede in via Guerri 7, 60035 Jesi (AN) si terrà un workshop dal titolo: Introduction to risk assessment and safety evaluation for collaborative robot applications.
Interverranno due ospiti internazionali del JOANNEUM RESEARCH: Prof. Michael Hofbaur (director and chief scientist of JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS) e Prof. Michael Rathmair.
Questo il programma
09:00 Registration
09:30 Morning session
- Collaborative robotics and associated safety requirements
- Safety measurements
- News from ISO and CEN standardisation committees
- Guidelines and best practices besides the standards
- Trends in in the field of collaborative robotics
14:00 Afternoon session
- Hands-on Robot-application testing
- Discussion and networking event
L’evento è gratuito ma per partecipare occorre registrarsi cliccando su questo link